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Bunny Solid Perfume (Fragrant Olive) Usagi Manju : Kyoto Bath & Body

Bunny Solid Perfume (Fragrant Olive) Usagi Manju : Kyoto Bath & Body

Bunny Solid Perfume Fragrant Olive Usagi Manju  Kyoto Bath & Body

Bunny Solid Perfume Fragrant Olive Usagi Manju  Kyoto Bath & Body

Bunny Solid Perfume Fragrant Olive Usagi Manju  Kyoto Bath & Body

Bunny Solid Perfume Fragrant Olive Usagi Manju  Kyoto Bath & Body


  • Eau de Toilette or Eau de Parfum? The difference lies in the volume of perfume oil. While Eau de Toilette
  • contains 5-9%, Eau de Parfum contains more, usually 8-14%. Eau de Parfums therefore last longer and smell more intense.
  • More Details for click now-

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